Stampede Learning Systems believes your time is priceless.
Your APUSH coursework is rigorous, and you need to consume mountains of reading material to get ready for the exam.
That’s why our APUSH study guides and practice tests are designed to help you in a hurry: We focus on the information you need to know and the skills you need to practice to succeed…both in class and on the AP U.S. History Exam.
Stampede has what you need!
Our books are designed to supplement class material. Unlike other APUSH test prep guides, Stampede Learning Systems provides ample opportunity to improve reading, analysis, and writing skills through a series of original essays and carefully designed exercises. This is essential…since 60% of your final score on the AP U.S. History Exam is determined by your responses to Short Answer Questions (SAQs), the Long Essay Question (LEQ), and the Document-Based Question (DBQ).
What are you waiting for?
Find the full line of Stampede Learning Systems APUSH study materials here.